
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Third and Fourth Week in November

Turkey in Disguise










police officer


Christmas tree




These are hung in our kindergarten hallway for all to enjoy.
The children LOVE walking by and looking at them!

Writing: Our new Show and Tell Unit

Sketching the show-and-tell object brought in from home.

A nice variety of objects were brought in.

Sharing their writing.
Listening to questions and comments.
Labeling and sentence writing.
Describing the object.

Reading his Veterans Day Book.

Reading another Veterans Day book.

Phonological awareness work.
Most often Mrs. Cornell does it, but once in a while, we practice with Ms. Natalie from New York City!

Tuesday's Quiet Time Choice: Color By Number (10-15).
Working to be able to read numbers and color words quickly.

Handwriting with Ms. Moe (our Occupational Therapist).

Forming lowercase s with chalk, and trace with their pointer finger.

Wet Try: Tracing with a sponge.

Trace and make in his handwriting book.

Math: DreamBox 

All the children are now up and running on DreamBox (math app).
DreamBox works at the individual's own level.

Choice Time: Drawing his own picture.

The Art Table Choice: Tempera paint!

                                                                       Choice Time: iPad

Writing: Completing a birthday page for 
the next classmate's birthday book.

Phonics work: Distinguishing between two letter sounds.
Any sound work you can fit in at home would be helpful.

Quiet Time choice on Wednesday: whiteboard drawing.

Choosing to practice his number writing!

Practicing skip counting by tens!
Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s is a kindergarten goal.

Reading: word work
We are building our bank of high-frequency words daily.
When your child comes home with their word work ask them to read the word.
If they have forgotten it would be great if it could be hung where they could practice it.
Eventually, the goal is for the children to use these words in their writing too! 

Quiet Time choice on Friday: Sketch Books.
The children are getting very detailed!
Several children are helping their friends to learn to draw specific things. 

Math: Graphing
Kindergarten Goals: Counting, sorting, recording.

Last step: tell how many with the numeral.

Choice Time: Trying a new puzzle at the puzzle table.

Choice time: Tic Tac Toe at the game table.

Choice Time: Pretend: Big Wild Animals are new!

Celebrating another birthday!
Moving his cupcake to age 6!

Ms. Joiner taught about iPad safety.
She made videos with the older children at Pond Cove and we saw several siblings in the videos!

Ms. Joiner teaching a coding app.

Trying out the new app.

A four-step code to navigate!

Project: I am thankful for ...

Practicing scissor skills.

Coloring and cutting the turkey's feathers.

Assembling the turkey and gluing on the feathers.

The birthday child has the option to be Leader of the Day on their birthday.

Choice Time: Art Table

Happy to share the birthday treats from 
Ms. Forrey-Pettitt & Mr. Manjourides!
🎈 Happy 6th Birthday! 🧁

Writing: Coming up with six things each of us is thankful for!

Saying the word out loud that you wish to write and writing the sound(s) he hears.
Using the alphabet chart for correct letter formation.

These turkeys will be hung in our kindergarten hallway for awhile so others can read and enjoy!

Painting hands for a special Thanksgiving Day card.

Math: Practicing making teen numbers in ten frames.

Math: Double Ten Frames (up to 20)
Some are working on recognizing and counting up to 20 objects.

Year end kindergarten goal: Read 0-30.

Decorating the cover for their reading journal.
The children are selecting stickers to personalize their journal.

Reading journals will be coming home soon.
They will look like this.
They will come in a Zip Loc baggy.
We will reuse the Zip Loc baggy.
I am hoping the children will show responsibility and 
take good care of their journal materials so they last the rest of the year!

These were completed in Health Class with Mrs. Kennedy.
Mrs. Kennedy has a whole older of materials the children have completed with her.
This folder will be coming home in December.

🧸 Pajama Day! 😍

Morning Meeting: Introducing their stuffy! 😻

Making a Thanksgiving card for someone they love.

Adding the details to the turkey.

Listening to the poem and gluing it inside the card.
Signing the card.

Addressing his card to some relatives he will see on Thanksgiving.

Some children chose people who live at home.

If you can help your child get their card to 
the person they made it for that would be great!

Some children's stuffy joined at snack time.

We read several stories about the first Thanksgiving.
This is one of them.
See what your child remembers about the first Thanksgiving!

Scholastic News
Let's Find Out
We also talked about different ways people celebrate Thanksgiving today.

Movement break: Turkey trot!

Private reading with a stuffy.

Partner reading with a stuffy.

Math: Practicing skip counting by tens.
Sequencing magnetic turkeys 10 to 100!

🥧 Happy Thanksgiving Break everyone! Enjoy! 🦃

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