
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy New Year!
Ask your child to sing to you the song we learned 
for morning meeting: Now We Have a Brand New Year.

We read The Night Before New Year's by Natasha Wing 
and Squirrel's New Year's Resolution by Pat Miller.
Writing resolutions to start the new year.
Writing with kindergarten spelling
(invented spelling listening for the
dominant sounds in words).
My goal is to play football more often with my dad!

My goal is to get better at soccer!
I want to learn how to swim.
I like hanging out with my mom.
My goal is to exercise more often.

I hope to be nicer to my friends.
I hope to play with my friends.

My goal is to get more vanilla ice cream at Red's!
My goal is to get better at football.
My goal is to learn to swim better!

My goal is to go to the gym more!
My goal is to help people more times!

My goal is to hug my parents.
My goal is to hang out with my mom.
My goal is to run more.
I want to learn to how to make horses.
See my grand mom.

I want to get better at making paper snowflakes!
I hope to help people to like the Earth.
My goal is to ride my bike without training wheels
because my friend Molly has no training wheels!
I hope to be better at doing tricks on my bike
because I am not good.
We try to share our writing in the
classroom as often as we can.

We are learning to start sentences with capitals,
leave spaces between words, put in as many
letter sounds as we hear and use punctuation.

We also like to share our great writing outside the classroom!
Our hallway display. What confident writers they are now mid year!
I hope you also see the growth in your child's writing since the beginning of the year!

I hope you enjoyed reading your child's new years resolution as well as some of their peers!

Another New Year's choice activity you may see come home.

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