
Sunday, September 10, 2023

First Two Days of Kindergarten:September 7th and 8th

Our first day in the classroom was very busy! We practiced some of our routines (lockers, hand washing, greeting others, lining up, snack & lunch expectations, playground safety, mailboxes, Home/School folder, and more).  We learned about our daily schedule and had our first World Language class (Spanish) and gym! We read The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing.  We also read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn and completed projects based on the book. 

Snack was in the classroom.
Mid-morning, typically around 10 a.m., the children will have a snack.
Sometimes we take our snacks outdoors, so please be sure to pack them in 
something separate from their lunch that can easily be carried.

We read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, discussed the book 
and our feelings, and completed a project afterward.

Practicing writing our names, tracing our hands, and then sharing/writing 
how we felt about the first day of kindergarten!

These were sent home in your child's Home/School Folder.
Thank you for looking for your child's Home/School Folder each day, cleaning it out, 
and sending it back on the next school day!

We learned about half of the playground (Little Adventure Land) and 
learned how to be responsible and safe on the equipment.

Playing with donated cooking tools.

The wooden boat in the sand area.  Playing with donated Tonka Trucks.

First time in the cafeteria.  
Mrs. Rand is on duty to help.
Our class sits together, three on each side, three tables total.

If your child brings lunch from home they go straight to our table and can begin eating right away.
If your child typically needs a little bit longer to eat,
 bringing lunch from home will give them more time.

All smiles! A surprise from the administration!

It was VERY hot at school and the children and staff were treated to popsicles in the cafeteria!

Meeting our World Language teacher Señora Bravo for the first time!
Your kindergartner will have Spanish as part of their Allied Art rotation.
They will also have one extra class that will occur on day three outside of the rotation.
Kindergartens first day of school was day three for Pond Cove, 
so we were lucky to meet her on the first day of kindergarten.
Señora Bravo comes to the classroom.

Señora Bravo introduces herself and tells the children they will be studying Spanish.
She introduces a puppet named Pablo to help with some of the concepts.

Señora Bravo playing a name game together in Spanish.

Our day typically ends with an outdoor time and a choice time indoors.
On our first day, Play-Doh was introduced and the children explored it 
and got to know each other a little better.

Learning about how dismissal works.  
Helping out with the bus line! 🚌
A great first day in kindergarten! ♥️

On day two, we enjoyed The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes 
and had fun making kindergarten crowns!

Fancying her crown!

The Omni Spinner was introduced and enjoyed at recess!

Exploring the structure at recess!

After the cafeteria, we have Quiet Time.  
The lights are turned down and quiet instrumental music is often played.
Children can rest on the carpet or at the tables.
Sitting with a book is always an option.

Sometimes there is something fun to watch on the board.

All children are asked to try the bathroom during this time.
A checklist is used.
The girls are waiting for their turn.
The goal is to give everyone the opportunity to try the bathroom before Allied Arts.
Most of the Allied Arts do not have a bathroom close by and it is less interruptive if the children have taken care of that need before Allied Art.

Day two of Allied Art was Library with Mrs. Rosenblum and Mrs. Rand.
Please see the calendar that was sent home to share our Allied Art rotation.
I will send a calendar each month.

Six shapes were introduced through wooden pattern blocks.

Children were given the opportunity to explore pattern blocks after the lesson.

Choosing a number puzzle at Choice Time.

Choice Time on day two of kindergarten offered several choices: puzzles, coloring, pretend play with wild animals, Play-Doh, pattern blocks, and reading a book.

Choosing a capital letter puzzle.

Choosing a capital/lowercase letter puzzle.

Choosing to pretend with the small wild animals.

Choosing to explore with Play-Doh.

Choosing to color in a picture.

It was VERY hot in our classroom the first two days.  
A fan was provided and definitely gave us some relief.
Crossing my fingers that next week is a little cooler for all!
We had a nice first few days together.
Thank you for trusting your children with us! 
I hope you are enjoying the weekend as a family.
I will look for your child out in front of Pond Cove on Monday morning! ♥️😍

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