
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Second Week in June and Last Full Week of School: June 10-14th



Place value work with cubes.

Place value practice.
How many?

Building 116.

Choice Time: Art Table
Painting with watercolors.

Choice Time: Math Table
Unifix cube exploration

Tuesday's beach day at Crescent Beach State Park!


Thank you to Bri Boutin for chaperoning a group!

They completed the scavenger hunt!

Busy making a dam.

Proud of her sand rabbit!

Thank you to Chris Breen for chaperoning a group!

Thank you to Sarah Ready and Stacy Stevens for each chaperoning a group.

We had fun!

Choice time: Art Table

Completing pages in the last class birthday book of the year!

Celebrating a summer birthday (July birthday)!

Moving his cupcake to the six-year-old row!

All About My Dad

Working carefully on his Father's Day writing!

K Goal: Work with numbers 11-19 to gain a foundation for place value.
Show me 13. (Build 13).
Now, show what do you need to build 8?

Unifix Cube Graph
K Math Goal: Sort objects and count the number of objects in each group.

Bing careful with her recording.

Choice Time: Art Table
Sharpie designs.

Choice Time:
Math Ttable
Building with base ten blocks.

Celebrating the last birthday this year!
Happy 6th Birthday in July!

Finished Father's Day pieces.

Read Aloud before making a Father's Day card.



The cards are ready to go home.

 I hope these two Father's Day surprises made it home safely!

Snack time outdoors!

You choose who to sit with and where to sit.

Choice time: sand table

Choice time: Safari Wild Adventure.



                                               Practicing numbers 1-75.

Friday's snack game with Mr. Davis: Build a Castle!

Friday's Read Aloud.
Each child received a copy of their own for their home library!
I hope they like the story as much as I do! ♥️
They also received a certificate like the one above.
These were given to the children on Friday because it was the last day for several children.

Each child also received a picture collage similar to this one.

The other side included a poem and class photo.

The children share their photo collages with each other.
No two are alike! ♥️
We had fun looking back at our year together.
I hope this collage is enjoyed and elicits fond memories!

I hope these made it home safely to you!

Last full day of fun with Miss Carey and Mrs. Gassman's class!

Water balloon toss!

Back up and toss!

Down to the final few!

Happy Summer!

Next week:
Our last day is Monday an Early Dismissal (11:55 am).
There is no lunch at school on this day.
Please still pack a snack and water bottle.
Please also let us know of any changes in dismissal.

Please remember to go to PowerSchool Tuesday
to view your child's progress report!

Happy Summer! ☀️😎
Thank you for all your support!
I will miss the children!
I hope they come back to visit me when time allows.  
What a great group! ♥️
I wish all the families a safe and fun summer together!