Counting by ones to 100.
Moving their bodies differently for each group of tens.
Kindergarten goal: Count by ones to 100.
If you child is skipping a number providing a visual can be helpful.
Building together the number 20 in two ten frames.
Independent work: Building 20 a number of ways.
Reviewing the letters Dd and Oo: Identification, sounds, and formation.
Independent work: Roll A Snap Word (Red Words).
Reviewing six recent red words. Roll, read, spell, and record. The first word that reaches the top wins.
Animal word search.
Quiet Time Choice: Hot Chocolate I Spy
Color, count, and write the number for how many.
We have begun K for ME Unit 3
This unit invites children to make physical science connections through construction of structures, measurement and comparison, and experimentation with materials. Children are introduced to a design process and the definition of construction expands to include constructing buildings, songs, dances, plays, and stories.
The first read aloud in the construction unit.
100 piece tree puzzle
We leave the puzzle out on the table and work on it a little at a time each time we have centers.
Completing a page for our next class birthday.
I hope you get a fox stuffy.
Labels: red velvet cake, cheese pizza, butterfly t-shirt.
I hope you get a red velvet cake!
I hope you get a butterfly t-shirt.
Label: fox stuffy.
I hope you get a butterfly t-shirt.
today, tomorrow, yesterday
The birthday child can do all of the jobs on their day if they choose.
Graphing the weather.
We were lucky to have many sunny days in January.
Counting by ones to 100.
The birthday child can pick favored movement activities.
Go Noodle is definitely a popular choice.
As a team they earn points.
Moving her cupcake to age six on our age graph.
Counting and reporting how the graph changed.
The birthday treats she chose.
Counting by 10s and writing the number.
K Math Goal: Skip counting by 10s, 5s, (and eventually 2s).
Addition problems to five.
K Math Goal: Represent addition to 10 (fingers, pictures, objects).
Reading together the red words that have been taught.
Mrs. Forrey-Pettit came to get her to choose her office birthday treats!
As a group we are practicing reading daily consonant, vowel, consonant words (CVC).
Independent Work: Red Word practice (on).
Reading with Mrs. Cornell.
Practicing reading with his eyes for fluency.
Practicing retelling the story at the end.
Practicing pointing under each word with his pointer finger to keep careful match.
Practicing two lines of print and noticing punctuation.
When practicing at home please be sure your child is handling the book themselves.
Tall letters
Lowercase f (dry try)
lowercase f (wet try)
Tall letter: Lowercase k (dry try)
Completing the page Words For Me and Sentence for Me.
Practicing correct letter formation by completing the lowercase k page in his handwriting book.
A Middle School student (former student) reading to the children Enemy Pie.
The girls brainstormed with our class what they could put in their Friendship Pie.
Leading the class to Allied Arts (Library) with Mrs. Rosenblum.
I hope you had a great 6th birthday!
🧁 Happy Birthday! 🎈
Read Aloud
Reading about a little girl named Tam and her adventures with Nat the man who cares for her.
Tam lives in the city and is almost ready to start Kindergarten.
Number families to five.
Working together to record all the ways to make 5.
We were the first on the playground when it snowed!
Fresh snow for snow angels.
The slides were fun!
Reviewing the letter Ll: Identification, sounds, and formation.
Independent word work practice: Red Word (had).
Scholastic News
Let's Find Out
The children learned the true story of how popsicles were invented.
Vocabulary: frozen, invention, liquids
Art Easel
Morning Meeting: Activity
Read Aloud
Making a groundhog stick puppet.
Cutting it out and thinking about the name he will give his.
Practicing reading and writing words learned.
Fictional Narrative
Learning about purpose and characters.
partner work
Discovery Board
100 piece tree puzzle
New buildings
Inspired by buildings in Cape Elizabeth.
Art Table
watercolor bridge
Art Table
watercolor and crayons
Read Aloud
Picture graph
Predicting February 2nd.
17 children predicted No Shadow.
Mrs. Cornell, Mr. Davis & 1 student predicted Shadow.
Reading words learned, and writing them.
Recording a dictated sentence.
Practicing the new Red Word (got).
Reading Group
Tam and the Ants (decodable reader)
Practicing reading with fluency and expression.
These readers have 3 stories in each.
Reading speech bubbles.
Working on reading the title.
Practicing keeping careful match pointing under the words she reads.
Quiet Time Choice
Groundhog dot-to-dot (1-20)
Vocabulary: burrow, herbivore
Reading about the lifecycle of a groundhog.
Subtraction practice.
Playing Feed the Groundhog
CVC word practice
All the children want a turn now, they are more confident! 😍
Independent work at the tables: subtraction practice.
A flower on our discovery board.
This week Mrs. Joiner joined our classroom to help teach the App called Book Creator.
The children are working on a construction book of their own.
She helped with small groups.
Our calendar pattern: snowman, snowman, mittens (AAB)
It was another busing month!
We celebrated three classroom birthdays!
We completed our second K For ME unit: Animals and Habitats.
We had a successful Kindergarten Showcase! 😍
Monday: No School (Staff Professional Development)
Thursday: Library Book Exchange
(colorful book bag and books please)
Friday: Children's Museum Field Trip
It is helpful if your child wears their kindergarten t-shirt!
Progress Reports are available on PowerSchool.
When time allows please go into PowerSchool to see your child's Progress Report. Please keep in mind that you will be seeing end of the year goals and expectations. We have many more days of learning to come! A progress report will also be provided in June.
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