
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Second Full Week in September: September 16th-20th

Read Aloud
Abiyoyo, is a fiction story by Peter Seeger.

Our First Unit this year is Our Community.
The children are learning how individuals, or citizens, come together to work, 
live, learn, and relate to each other in communities.

The vocabulary we focused on this week:

When time allows, see if your child understands these words.

2D Shapes
The 2 D Shapes we reviewed were circles, squares, and triangles.
The rectangle was introduced and explored.

Mentor Text
The terms author and illustrator were introduced.
The children are working on oral storytelling.
I am encouraging the children to practice telling an oral story about themselves or family.
See if they can tell you a story!

Centers: Writing and Drawing.

Sharing all the details of the pirate ship he drew!

                                                            Building with math tools: Pattern block exploration.

She sorted out all the school buses and touch counted carefully how many she had. 

Art Studio Table: Play-Doh
Building structures with craft sticks that were added.

Helping lead Bus 15 at dismissal.

Tuesday morning we had our second school-wide fire evacuation practice.
The children are doing well with this!
Ask your child where our class safe spot is.

Read Aloud

Watercolors were introduced. The children are learning about being a good partner, 
and sharing a watercolor set and cup of water.  They are learning to take care of their own materials, be responsible for them.

Painting their own individual unique elephant.

Learning about the community in our school garden with volunteer Lindsay Barrett. 

One group dug potatoes and washed them with Mrs. Ross, a volunteer from our community.

Sorting yellow and red potatoes.

Drying. the potatoes.

Taking turns with the tools.

One group snipped kale with Lindsay Barrett, a community volunteer, and washed it.

Learning about swish chard.

He is washing the vegetables to prepare for donation.

Thank you Ms. Barret and Mrs. Ross for having us in the garden and sharing your knowledge! ❤️

A choice at Quiet Time: Lowercase letter Dot-To-Dot (a-s).

Storytelling and story acting, Abiyoyo!  Acting out the word disappear.

Great job acting out Abiyoyo!

Art Studio Table: Play-Doh and craft sticks.

Dramatization: Pretending
The children have chosen this space to be a restaurant.
He is taking her order.
They have created menus!

Centers: Writing and Drawing
A beautiful seal!

Ms. Karnes stopped in to get to know the children and see how the centers are going for them.

Building: Building a pattern block design.

Practicing skills taught during phonics in their phonics workbook.
Writing their name with the first letter capitalized and the rest of the letter lowercase.
This is definitely something that could be practiced at home when time allows.

How many words are in that sentence?
How many letters are in that word?

Dramatization on the playground, camping.

How To: Scissors

Practicing cutting.

Scissors are on the shelf ow and the children will be encouraged to use them 
to meet their needs.  For example: opening a snack.

Our unique elephants hung in our classroom to remind us to Be You!

Literacy Whole Group Modeling under the document camera.
Name puzzle

Literacy Stations

Learning to recognize and read classmate's names.
Building a classmate's name at stations.

The numbers 0-10 have been formally introduced: recognition, formation, quantities.
The children are practicing a variety of careful counting strategies.
They are learning what they can try when they have a worksheet and can not move the object.
K Goal: Count 20 objects accurately.

Read Aloud

The Art Studio Easel was introduced: Color Mixing

Read Aloud
Working on the story elements of Abiyoyo.

Morning Meeting

Greeting: Working on greeting each other.

Created at the Writing and Drawing Center

Ms. Forrey-Pettit stopped in at centers to see the children.  
They invited her to their restaurant and asked her to be a customer.

Our phonics program is Heggerty's Bridge to Reading.
The children will become very familiar with this alphabet chart.
One was sent home Friday in your child's Home/School Folder for you to use at home.
Please look for a phonics update most Fridays in your child's Home/School Folder.
Hopefully, it will help you understand the phonological awareness 
and phonics instruction your child is receiving daily.

The children have a workbook that helps them to apply the skills taught.

Read Aloud

Months of the year.
Sharing and graphing class birthdays.
Two-thirds of the class can state the month and day they were born.
If you do not think your child can do this yet, it would be helpful to practice.

Discovery Table: red sand and tools

Everyone wants a turn to paint.
We are using a Turn List.

Centers: Writing and Drawing

Morning Meeting
Share on Friday: Weekend Share
Pass the dog and tell one thing you plan to do or hope to do on the weekend.
The children are practicing being speakers.
The other children are practicing looking at the speaker and being good listeners.

The phonics instruction has focused on an alphabet bridge and alphabet chart as tools for learning.
Capitals and lowercase are taught together with sounds.

Friday morning it was raining.
The children experienced their first indoor recess break.
We played Doggie Doggie Where's Your Bone?
Ask your child to sing the song to you!

A Mentor Text Read Aloud to prepare for writing!
Hopes and Dreams

Each child told me their Hope and Dream for Kindergarten.  I wrote it down and they illustrated that hope!

My hope and dream for kindergarten is to play in the kitchen the whole center time.

My hope and dream for kindergarten is to use the school tablets (iPads).

My hope and dream for kindergarten is to take a field trip to the Children's Museum.

My hope and dream for kindergarten is to make two new friends.

My hope and dream for kindergarten is to learn about space.

Hung in our classroom.
We will see how many of these hopes we can fulfill! ❤️

Focusing on the numbers 0-10.
Counting with a one-to-one match
Proper formation of the numbers.

He is using the strategy of moving the counters and lining them up to 
confirm that he has the correct amount of magnetic circles.

Happy to have a turn at the Art Studio Easel!

Exploring mixing color!

New centers are arriving daily.
If your child is expressing they have not had a turn yet to try a specific center, 
please remind them of our Turns List!

Several families have asked how they can help.

Two things that would be greatly appreciated:

1. Please pack your child's snack separately from their lunch and pack only a couple options (15 minutes).

2. Please send a low (14 oz. or less) spill-proof water bottle.  The bottles keep getting taller and taller every day.  I know they like them, but they are hard for the children to manage.  

Kindergarten T-shirts were ordered.
Thank you for your orders!
Possibly coming soon ... our first field trip! 
It is still being planned, but we will let you know when it is confirmed. 

Next Week:
Scholastic Book Orders are expected to arrive!
If you placed an order, please watch for your order in your child's backpack.

Bus Safety

Another Fire Drill

A message from Ms. Karnes and Ms. Forrey-Pettit:

Student Birthday Party Invitations
To maintain a smooth classroom environment and respect the time and focus of our teachers, we ask that families not send birthday party invitations to school for distribution by classroom teachers. In the past, this has led to challenges and complications, including concerns about fairness and inclusivity. The PCPA has coordinated a designated Classroom Connector for each class to support connections among families while respecting privacy. The Classroom Connector can help families reach out to others in the same class. Please note that if a family has chosen not to participate in receiving communication through the Classroom Connector, we fully honor their decision. This approach helps us maintain boundaries while ensuring those who wish to connect can do so easily. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Sarah and Tiffany

Our class has Gym tomorrow: Monday!

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