Some more very creative and fun flowers came into school to start the week!

Morning Work:
While waiting for everyone to arrive we have jobs:
*greet your teacher & friends,
*hand in your Home/School folder,
*put away your belongings in your locker,
*wash your hands,
*put your iPad on the shelf,
*take out your tool bucket
*morning work (or any unfinished work).
Simple addition to 5 practice.
The children are all working hard to get the numbers formed correctly.
Outdoor Time!
Reading: Guided Reading with the teacher.
Please remember that we treat these paper books like
"regular books."
If signed out in your child's reading journal please practice like the other books
and return the paper book to school, thanks for your support!
Reading: Work Work: Roll a Sight Word
New word this week (how).
We are writing How-Tos in our writing block!
Math: Creating Addition Sentences to 10.
They LOVE ❤️ the Magnatiles at Choice Tiles!
Writing Share Time: Sharing a How-To Book
How to Make a Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich
Science: Lobster Life with biologist Mr. Brown!
We are studying what plants and animals need to survive and the relationship between their needs and where they live. This zoom fit in perfectly to our studies.
Thank you Mr. Brown! 🦞
Adding Mr. Brown questions after his presentation.
Planting Merrigold seeds to care for in our classroom!
Another great week of in person learning in kindergarten!
Please keep sending the flowers, we would love to have everyone up on our kindergarten bulletin board!
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