
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

First Week in January: Happy New Year!

Celebrating our 8th class birthday.
She turned six over vacation!
Happy Birthday! 🎈🧁

Singing happy birthday at morning meeting!

 Creating a page for her birthday book.

                                                                                              Decorating the cover for the next class birthday.

Ms. Rand came for our first library class.  She connects with Mrs. Rosenblum who is working remotely from home.  She read a fun story to the children which the could view from our white board!

Mrs. Rosenblum is connecting via Zoom meeting each of the students!
The children are drawing a picture for Mrs. Rosenblum sharing a little bit about themselves. 

Labeling the gingerbread man: Practicing stretchy snake.

Finishing creating gingerbread man stick puppets.

Math: Roll & record.

Celebrating our 9th class birthday.
He turned six Friday (over vacation)!
Happy Birthday! 🎈🧁

Mrs. Rosenblum meets each of the children through Zoom at our first library class.

Imaginary play outdoors.
Thanks for the warm clothes!
We will go outside twice daily whenever possible to get exercise & fresh air!


Decorating the cover of the next birthday child's book.

Birthday pages for the birthday book.

Math practice.

Choice Time: Lego exploration.

Ringing in the new year by writing resolutions.

Saying what you wish to say out loud and listening for the sounds in words.
Writing the letters for the sounds you hear.

Fancying her bell.

Our writing is displayed in the kindergarten hallway for all to read!

Library in. the classroom with Ms. Rand.
Mrs. Rosenblum is remote and teaching through Zoom.

Receiving 4 library books.

A note from Mrs. Rosenblum.
Mrs. Rosenblum would like the children to reuse the Pete the Cat bags to return their books.
She will then select new ones for them.

Teacher Time: Guided Reading.

Reading: Sentence work.

Morning Meeting Share

Morning Meeting Activity: song.

Choice Time: Lego building

Closure: Passing out 3 new masks for each of the children!

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