
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Please find in your child's home/school folder some last day of school treats!
We have had a great year!
I have truly enjoyed teaching and getting to know your children, 
they are a great group! 
I wish them well and hope they will come back & visit!

Lisa Burleson has informed me that the families 
have purchased and dedicated a paver in the new playground to me. 
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity! 
I very much look forward to seeing it when the playground is completed in the fall!

Please remember to take a few moments to read your child's 
Progress Report on Power School.
Have a safe and happy summer! 🌞


  1. Have a wonderful summer, Mrs. Cornell! Sam had a GREAT year!

  2. Thank you for such a great year, Mrs. Cornell! Sam was so lucky to have a memorable introduction to Pond Cove. We can't wait to see the paver!
