Donating non-perishable food to local families in need.
Our school is collecting for Judy's Pantry right here in Cape Elizabeth
until Thursday, October 27th.
Learning about scientists.
We discussed a PowerPoint that shared different types of scientists and their jobs.
Each child decided what kind of scientist they would be!
Reading: Working in a small reader.
Practice reading the reader.
Recess: Playing with the donated outdoor kitchen materials!
Quiet Time: Fall mindful coloring
Math: Number Board
Kindergarten Math Goal: Name the numbers 0-30.
Count 20 objects accurately.
Do I have enough stickers for that?
Looking for eight stickers and then carefully counted to confirm.
Is there enough?
I hope your child shared theirs with you.
Fall mindful coloring finished.
Adding to the donations!
Kindergarten was assigned peanut butter and canned chicken.
Writer's Workshop: developing stories.
Reading: Sentence work
Mix and fix
Sentence work: mix and fix
When you see this kind of work come home, it is helpful if you can
take a minute or two to ask your child to read it to you.
Quiet Time: Color-by-color words
Handwriting: orange workbooks
Science Tools
Exploring a piece of a tree trunk with a hands lens.
Exploring 3 different slides under a microscope.
Giving tweezers a try.
Exploring plywood with a small magnifier.
Exploring colored water with droppers and goggles.
The goggles were fun!
Exploring a sea shell.
Each slide had something different: fish scale, wool, a bird feather.
Sawdust, wood shavings, and shark teeth
Shark teeth
School Picture Day!
Waiting for a turn
Keep sending the donations in. The children are proud to be contributing!
Handwriting practice: number formation
Making an 8: dry try
Making an 8: wet try
Feeling the formation with a finger trace.
We went on a walk around Pond Cove before allied arts.
For several kids seeing this big tractor was a treat!
Reading: word work
Independent work: snap word me
Read Aloud: We have been learning about pumpkins.
Center Time: easel
Writer's Workshop: Sharing her story about going to her Uncle's house.
Labeling a picture with her classmate's help.
Listening for the sounds in words.
Friday we celebrated our second class birthday!
On their birthday the children receive a birthday crown, a Pete the Cat card,
a bookmark, a pencil, and stickers.
The birthday child chooses a new book for their home library.
Morning meeting:
Moving his cupcake from the five-year-old shelf of cupcakes to the six-year-old shelf!
Happy to help others!
Birthday pages for the birthday boy's book.
Sounding out messages.
Scholastic News: Let's Find Out
We watched a video investigating pumpkins.
We learned about composting and discussed ways families are composting at home.
Fit in a movement break.
Played a letter/sound pumpkin game.
Labeling a pumpkin.
Practicing number one in his handwriting book.
Practicing number two in her handwriting book.
Choice time: fall watercolor fun
Choice Time: "I colored an AB pattern of my own!"
Choice Time artwork, a tiny mask.
🎈 Happy 6th Birthday! 🧁
Coming up:
We will celebrate our third class birthday!
We will practice bus safety with the bus drivers!
We will learn about the Scientific Method with a hands-on pumpkin experiment!